On Sunday mornings we have recently been looking at the 10 commandments.
Whilst you may be familiar with them, can you recall all 10? Can you recall them in order?
The 10 commandments are a foundational part of the knowledge of God. Why has God given them to us? What do they leave us free to do? Do they still apply in 2024?
Find out more this Sunday 4 August and on coming Sunday mornings as we continue this series of study.
Exodus 1: 8 - 10a
'Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.'
Our morning service begins at 10.30am and our evening service at 6.00pm.
🚨***Please note that there will some local road closures, including Bridge Street for the annual raft race. Vehicular access to the church will be given, but please leave extra time to assist the raft race stewards***🚨
Find us on Bridge Street, Deeping St James, opposite the River Welland. Parking is available and we have an accessible toilet with baby change facilities too.
#DeepingBaptistChurch #deepingbaptistchurch #MarketDeeping #marketdeeping #DeepingStJames #deepingstjames #Church #ChurchServices #worship #praise #preachingchrist #goodnews #gospeltruth #love #jesussaves #SeekChrist #reachingout #beintime #believe #faith #salvation #repentance #thankfulness #whatsonindeeping #thankful #deepingsraftrace